General Information
Invited Speakers
Scientific Committee
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Call for papers
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Fees &
Registration Form
4th Colloquium
Greek Version
All lectures will be delivered in Auditoria Δ7,
Δ6 and Γ2
See the
overall Time Schedule of the programme, as well as the complete
Programme of the Colloquium, together with the
Abstracts of all accepted presentations.
Abraham Arcavi
Department of Science Teaching, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
Towards thinking and sense-making classroom practices:
The case of Japanese mathematics lessons
IREM Université Paris VII,
President of
Digital technology in mathematics education: an
instrumental approach
Department of Mathematics,
University of Auckland, New Zealand, Vice-President of ICMI
Revisiting Felix Klein’s "Elementary Mathematics From An Advanced
Alain Kuzniak
IUFM Orléans &
Equipe Didirem Université Paris VII,
Diversity of geometrical problems and trouble in the teaching and
learning of geometry
Man Keung Siu
Department of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong, China
The world of geometry in the classroom : virtual or real?

is the name of the co-author(s) who will present the paper orally and whose
name(s) appear(s) underlined on the time schedule of the programme)
S. Anastasiadou A survey of
research on the role of representations in the learning of statistical and
probabilistic concepts at all levels of education
(in Greek)
Philosophical reflections made explicit as a tool for mathematical reasoning
M. Bako, L. Aszalos Play and learn with GCompris
Th. Barrier Quantification et
variation en mathématiques: Perspectives didactiques issue de la lecture
d'un texte de Bolzano
S. Baştürk Concours d’entrée à
l’université en Turquie et ses effets négatifs sur les apprentissages des
élèves de seconde
V. Battie
le théorème fondamental de l’arithmétique: une approche historique et
A. Constantinides, N. Georgiou, M. Miltiadou
The use of manipulatives in
the teaching of mathematics as expressed in teachers’ beliefs
(in Greek)
C. Bonotto About the role of real-world knowledge and experiences
in mathematical modelling
L. Bowie Definitions in geometry in a South African
M. S. Britt, K. C. Irwin A pathway for
algebraic thinking
E. Castagnola, R. Tortora
Can any definition of a triangle be considered the best one?
D. Chassapis
The influence of a cultural tool on approaching a problem from the history:
solving a geometry problem on graph paper
A. Cusi
, N. A. Malara Future teachers facing proof problems: Games of interpretation,
anticipating thought and coordination between verbal and algebraic register
J-J. Dahan Les paramètres
didactiques cruciaux pour comprendre l’intégration de l’expérimental dans la
pratique et l’enseignement de la géométrie: Exemplification grâce à
Cabri 2 Plus et Cabri 3d
K. Dalakoura
The mathematical education of women in Greece (19th-early
20th century) (in Greek)
J. M.
Les découvertes Keralaises sur les séries trigonométriques et leurs
justifications dans le tantrasangraha (1500 d.n.e.) et ses commentaires
G. Dimakos, E. Nikoloudakis
geometry in secondary school using van Ηiele’s theory and ICT in the context
of cooperative learning
(in Greek)
E. Demetriadou,
C. Tzanakis
Reinstatement of vectors in lower secondary education: some didactical
suggestions and comments (in Greek)
W. Dörfler
Learning mathematics: a naturalistic view

Ch. Fili Cyparissos Stephanos and the Erlanger Programme
(in Greek)
B. Georgiadou-Kambouridou I. Antoniou: Students with low performance and the multiplication operation
(in Greek)
S. Götz Fundamental Ideas and Basic Beliefs in Stochastics
N. Hadas, R.
Hershkowitz, G. Ron
Instructional design and research design principles in probability
G. Halepaki:
Characteristics of 11-year-old students in connection with the estimation
and control criteria of the outcome of arithmetic operations
(in Greek)
M. Hejný Scheme and its generic models
D.Iannece, P. Romano What does it mean for a teacher to have a “scientific
approach”? A reflection
U. Th. Jankvist Evaluating a teaching module on the early history
of error correcting codes
Findings from a diagnostic test given to students in the 1st year
of the Greek Lyceum in 2006-07
H. Kasoumi, C. Zaharos, M. Poulou
Reception of the reformed
mathematics curriculum by the nursery teachers of public education in Greece
B. M. Kinach
Modelling tasks for developing geometry teachers’ spatial, epistemological,
and pedagogical knowledge
B. Koichu
composing multiple-choice tasks, thought experimentation and algebra
teachers' knowledge base
J. Kos
N. Kountourakis, G. Polizois
Teaching linear dynamic systems in elementary
school, using simulations: Sensitive dependency on the initial conditions
M. Kourkoulos
Didactical investigation of a simple physical model of moving particles for
improving the understanding of variance in statistics (in Greek)
Ch. Lemonidis,
The notion of proportion in vocational activity and its relation to
school experience: a case study with Cypriot bakers from Lemessos province
(in Greek)
M. Marmara,
C. Hatzikyriakou
The use of algebra tiles in the teaching and learning of algebraic concepts (in Greek)
Y. Martin Dynamic
implementation of Moulton’s plane (non-Desarguesian Geometry)
M. Meletiou-Mavrotheris, E. Mavrotheris,
E. Paparistodemou EarlyStatistics:
an online professional development program for
European teachers of statistics
H. Michail, P. Sofokleous, Ch. Lemonidis The multicultural dimension of multiplication: attitudes and
perceptions of Cypriot educators about its use in teaching mathematics (in Greek)
Y. Michalis
The didactics of statistics in compulsory education (in Greek)
E. Mokos, S. Kafousi, F. Kalavasis The research on metacognition and the learning of mathematics: facts and
perspectives (in

K. Nikolantonakis
One, zero and infinity: three
cases of historical constructions in the context of teachers’ training
(in Greek)
E. Nikoloudakis, S. Ferentinos, E. Choustoulakis
Overcoming obstacles in geometry by deploying
representations of
(in Greek)
E. Paparistodemou, M. Meletiou-Mavrotheris
Developing statistical reasoning in the early grades:
a new role of technology
S. Patsiomitou, E.
Koleza The
development of students’ geometrical thinking through linking visual active
G. Perikleidakis: Exploring the performance of 9
- year - old elementary school students in doing arithmetical operations and
problem solving during the initial implementation of the new textbooks and
reformed curricula (in Greek)
Poulos Classroom activities based
on the concept of a Pythagorean triplet
(in Greek)
N. Prusak, R.
N. Hadas,
From visual to logical argumentation
within intentional
designed activity
M. Rugelj How to
“domesticate” logarithms in school? Giving sense to the logarithmic function
Sgreccia, M.
Massa Relations between “saying” and “practice” of
mathematics teachers when they teach geometry to students aged 12-15
Stepping and ladder methods in the process of building up an additive
triad schema and other mathematical schemas
I. Spantidakis, H.
Vasilaki Writing
as a problem solving process and anxiety levels of students with writing
(in Greek)
N. Stehlíková Using video cases to promote good practice in the teaching of mathematics
P. Svrckova Teaching
mathematics through pupils’ projects
Y. Thomaidis (Workshop)
Snapshots and pictures from integrating the history of mathematics in the
new textbooks of secondary
school in Greece
(in Greek)
A. Tsigoni Trade world’s contribution to the spreading of
mathematics education in Ioannina throughout the Ottoman period
(in Greek)
H. Vasilaki, E. Giahnakis
Investigation of the
relationship between working memory, anxiety and performance during the
completion of an arithmetic mnemonic task
C. Voica,
F. M. Singer
From real life to
probability laws: Integrating problem solving in teaching statistics and
İ. Yavuz Effets d’un changement de programme sur la prise
en compte de nouveaux objets dans l’enseignement des fonctions
J. Zhouf Problem posing through correspondence seminars
pdf form
and as an MS Word file
Time Schedule
pdf form
and as an MS Word
